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Trusted 2

HackDay 2023 Cryptography

Note: this is the write up of a challenge I created, as a challenge creator for the HackDay 2023 qualifications. The challenge source code can be found in the CTF repository.

Following the leak of an important database in the Sagittarius sector, it has been decided to rework the whole security of the information system.
Make sure that the authentication portal is this time secured as it should be.

For this challenge, we have a remote instance running at, and the Python script running remotely.
Here is its content:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import hashlib
from random import randrange
from ecdsa import NIST256p, ecdsa

G = NIST256p.generator
order = G.order()

priv = randrange(1, order)
pub = G * priv

pub = ecdsa.Public_key(G, pub)
priv = ecdsa.Private_key(pub, priv)

k = randrange(1, 2 ** 127)

banner = """
 _____              _           _    ___    ___   
|_   _|            | |         | |  |__ \  / _ \ 
  | |_ __ _   _ ___| |_ ___  __| |     ) || | | |
  | | '__| | | / __| __/ _ \/ _` |    / / | | | |
  | | |  | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ (_| |   / /_ | |_| |
  \_/_|   \__,_|___/\__\___|\__,_|  |____(_)___/ 


welcome = f"Welcome to the magistrates' systems authentication portal. These systems contain confidential information. By authenticating, you accept our terms of usage and confidentiality policy."
welcome_sig = priv.sign(int(hashlib.sha256(welcome.encode()).hexdigest(), 16), k)
challenge = "All the information in this portal is signed so you can verify its authenticity. To authenticate, please send your login and then its signature."
challenge_sig = priv.sign(int(hashlib.sha256(challenge.encode()).hexdigest(), 16), k)

print((int(welcome_sig.r), int(welcome_sig.s)))
print((int(challenge_sig.r), int(challenge_sig.s)))

login = input("Login: ")

user_r = input("r: ")
user_s = input("s: ")

    flag_sig = ecdsa.Signature(int(user_r), int(user_s))

    print("This is not a valid signature!")

if login != "admin":
    print("User not recognized.")

elif pub.verifies(int(hashlib.sha256(login.encode()).hexdigest(), 16), flag_sig):
    with open("flag.txt", "r") as flag:
        print("Welcome back, magistrate.",
    print("The signature does not match.")

The challenge basically requires us to log in as admin with a valid ECDSA signature, with a private key unknown to us.

If we read about how ECDSA works and what kind of vulnerabilities exist, we can find it pretty quickly: in the script, the same nonce k is reused twice.
The nonce in ECDSA should always be picked randomly, because with two different signatures using the same nonce, one can compute the private key using known equations.

Note : I won’t dive into the mathematics behind it here on purpose, because there are already lots of good articles and resources online that goes through the it step by step. If you want to learn more about why it is possible and how it works, I highly suggest you to take some time reading those.

Here is my solve script:

from pwn import *
from hashlib import sha256
from ecdsa import ecdsa, NIST256p

p = remote("", 1339)

line1 = p.recvline().strip()
sig1 = p.recvline().strip()
line2 = p.recvline().strip()
sig2 = p.recvline().strip()

sig1 = ecdsa.Signature(int(sig1[1:-1].split(b", ")[0].decode()), int(sig1[1:-1].split(b", ")[1].decode()))
sig2 = ecdsa.Signature(int(sig2[1:-1].split(b", ")[0].decode()), int(sig2[1:-1].split(b", ")[1].decode()))

h_msg1 = int(sha256(line1).hexdigest(), 16)
h_msg2 = int(sha256(line2).hexdigest(), 16)

G = NIST256p.generator
order = G.order()

# because k has been reused for the two signatures, we can recover it
k = ((h_msg1 - h_msg2) * pow(sig1.s - sig2.s, -1, order)) % order
# and then use k and the signatures to compute the private key
priv = ((sig1.s * k - h_msg1) * pow(sig1.r, -1, order)) % order

pub = ecdsa.Public_key(G, G * priv)
priv = ecdsa.Private_key(pub, priv)

login = "admin"
login_sig = priv.sign(int(hashlib.sha256(login.encode()).hexdigest(), 16), k)

p.recvuntil(b"Login: ")
p.recvuntil(b"r: ")
p.recvuntil(b"s: ")



$ python3
[x] Opening connection to on port 1339
[x] Opening connection to on port 1339: Trying ::1
[+] Opening connection to on port 1339: Done
[+] Welcome back, magistrate. HACKDAY{n3v3r_r3u53_n0nc35_1n_3CD54}
[*] Closed connection to port 1339

Flag: HACKDAY{n3v3r_r3u53_n0nc35_1n_3CD54}